【欧盟政客呼吁再次施行肉类原产国标签规定】EU - Food safety MEPs reiterated their support for introducing mandatory country of origin labelling of meat and milk, in a non-binding resolution voted on Tuesday.Mandatory labelling would help maintain consumer confidence in food products by making the food supply chain more transparent, they say.The motion for a resolution restates Parliament's position in favour of mandatory labelling of the country of origin or place of provenance of meat in processed foods.MEPs add that this labelling should also be made mandatory for meat than that of bovine, porcine, ovine and caprine species and poultry meat, for milk and milk used as an ingredient in dairy products, for unprocessed foods, single-ingredient products and for ingredients that make up more than 50 per cent of a food.
尽职食品安全的欧洲议会会员在周二的不具拘束力决议投票中再次重申,他们支持引进肉类和奶制品强制原产国标签 。他们说:“强制原产国标签能维持消费者对食品的信心,让食品链变得更透明 。”议会对决议的立场倾向于支持强制原产国标签或者提供加工肉类产品的货源地 。欧洲议会会员增添了肉类的强制原产国标签适用范围,包括牛、羊、猪和禽类的肉,牛奶和以牛奶为原材料的奶制品,未加工食品,单一原料产品和成分超过50%的食品 。
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