US - Smaller hog breeding herds and lower production costs could lead to modest profits for pork producers in 2016, Purdue University agricultural economist Chris Hurt says.In his analysis of the US Department of Agriculture's March Hogs and Pigs report, Hurt forecasts a slight slowdown in pork production after two years of expansion."For right now, the industry seems to have supply in alignment with pork demand such that prices cover the full cost of production," he said.According to the USDA report, pork producers intend to reduce the number of sows farrowed by 1 percent this spring and 3 percent this summer.
据普渡大学(Purdue University)农业经济学家克里斯·赫特(Chris Hurt)说,由于育种猪群规模较小,生产成本不高,约摸会使美国猪肉生产商在2016年获得微薄的利润 。他在美国农业部三月生猪与仔猪报告的分析中预料猪肉生产经过两年的扩辗十后会稍微放缓 。他说:“猪肉行业目前供赠刚好满意需求,猪价尽全涵盖生产成本 。”由于美国农业部报告预料春季和夏季产仔数分辞下降1%和3%,猪肉生产商故意减少母猪产仔数量 。
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