US - Organic livestock and poultry production requirements in the US are likely to be changed to ensure consistent application of regulations and aid consumer clarity, after proposed amendments by the US Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) Agricultural Marketing Service (AMS).“The demand for organic agriculture continues to grow each year and these proposed changes will build on USDA’s efforts to support organic producers,” said AMS Administrator Elanor Starmer.“By strengthening standards for organic livestock and poultry, we are ensuring that we meet consumer expectations and maintain the integrity of the organic seal to support the sector’s continued growth.
美国有机牲畜和家禽产品请求在美国农业部(USDA)营销服务部门(AMS)提交修正议案之后有约摸改变,这项举动旨在确保申请管理规定始终如一并帮助消费者清晰知道有机农业 。营销服务部门(AMS)行政官艾兰诺·斯塔莫(Elanor Starmer)说:“有机农业的需求每年都在增长,修正议案的改变可以通过美国农业部的努力来支持有机农业生产商 。我们改善有机牲畜和禽类生存水平,不仅能达到消费者期待,还可以潞傍保持有机印章的诚信,以此让有机产业不断成长 。”
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