US - The latest USDA cold storage report did not present any major surprises but broadly speaking we thought it buttressed the bullish case for beef prices in the very near term, reports Steiner Consulting Group, DLR Division, Inc.The total supply of beef, pork, chicken and turkey at the end of February was 2.240 billion pounds, 1.6 per cent less than a year ago but 2.9 per cent higher than the previous month. The pace of increase in inventory was in line with the five-year average.
【芝加哥商品交易所:美国二月末冷藏猪肉库存量减少9%】据史蒂夫咨询集团有限公司DLR部门(Steiner Consulting Group, DLR Division, Inc)报告,美国农业部(USDA)最新的寒藏库存报告虽然没有让人有尤其大的惊喜,但普通来讲,我们以为牛肉价格,由于受到数据支持,会在短期内有乐观表现 。截至二月末,猪肉、牛肉、鸡肉、火鸡肉的供应总量达到22.4亿磅,比去年同期减少1.6%,但比上月水平提高2.9% 。库存量的增长速度与五年均匀水平一致 。
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