fighting怎么读英语 fighting怎么读

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fighting怎么读英语 fighting怎么读

Why does it take such a massive amount of thrust to break free of Earth's gravity and enter orbit?
【单词】massive ['mas-iv]['m?s?v] adj. 巨大的;大量的;大规模的;大范围的;严重的
【单词】thrust [thruhst][θr?st]n. 推力
【单词】break [breyk][bre?k] v. 打碎;解决;中断;锐减
【单词】gravity ['grav-i-tee]['ɡr?v?ti] n. 重力
【单词】enter ['en-ter]['ent?] v. 进入
【单词】orbit ['awr-bit]['??b?t] n. 轨迹,轨道
【专有名词】Earth [urth][??θ] n. 地球
I'm having trouble conceptually because it seems like it would actually become easier to escape gravity the further up into the atmosphere a rocket goes, since the effects of gravity and drag diminish with altitude.
【译】我遇到了概念性的麻烦,看起来火箭越往上飞,逃离重力就越容易,因为重力和阻力的影响随着高度的增加而减小 。
【单词】trouble ['truhb-uhl]['tr?bl] n. 困难;烦恼;麻烦
【单词】conceptually [kuhn-'sep-choo-uhl][k?n'sept?u?li] adv. 概念地
【单词】escape [ih-'skeyp][?'ske?p] v. 逃跑;逃脱
【单词】atmosphere ['at-muhs-feer]['?tm?sf??] n. 大气;空气
【单词】rocket ['rok-it]['r?k?t] n. 火箭
【单词】drag [drag][dr?ɡ] n. 拖;拉;累赘;阻力
【单词】diminish [dih-'min-ish][d?'m?n??] vi. 变少;逐渐变细;减少
【单词】altitude ['al-ti-tood, -tyood]['?lt?tju?d] n. 高度;海拔
Getting to orbit does NOT involve breaking free of gravity.
【译】进入轨道并不意味着脱离重力 。
【单词】involve [in-'volv][?n'v?lv] vt. 包含;牵涉
There is basically the same amount of gravity in low earth orbit as there is at ground level.
【译】近地轨道上的重力与地面上的重力基本相同 。
【单词】basically ['bey-sik-lee]['be?s?kli] adv. 基本上;主要地
【单词】ground [ground][ɡra?nd] n. 地面;地方;水平

fighting怎么读英语 fighting怎么读

You get into orbit by going fast enough horizontally to where the trajectory that gravity pulls you down equals the curvature of the Earth, which means that for every foot gravity pulls you downward you've traveled far enough that the ground is now a foot further down than it was before.
【译】你进入轨道的方法是,以足够快的水平速度,到达重力把你往下拉的轨迹等于地球的曲率,也就是说,每当重力把你往下拉一英尺时,由于你已经走得足够远了,因而现在地面比以前下降了一英尺(相对原来的水平位置来说) 。
【单词】horizontally [hawr-uh-'zon-tl, hor-][?h?r?'z?nt?li] adv. 水平地
【单词】trajectory [truh-'jek-tuh-ree][tr?'d?ekt?ri] n. 轨道;弹道;轨迹
【单词】pulls 原型:pull [pool][p?l] v. 拉;拖;吸引
