我们都用英语怎么说 都用英语怎么说

a few adj.一些,几个 。
〔辨析〕在数量上用于肯定意义,强调有一些,后接复数可数名词 。
〔例证〕I have a few friends in New York.我在纽约有几个朋友 。
I have saved a few chocolates for the children.我留了一些巧克力糖给孩子们 。
a number of 许多···,若干··· 。
〔辨析〕强调数量的概念,也可说a large/small number of,后接复数可数名词,谓语动词用复数 。
(例证〕There are a number of chairs in the hall.大厅里有一些椅子 。
A large number of children survived the earthquake.
不少孩子从地震中幸存了下来 。
A small number of students at this college are studying electronics.
这所学院里有少数学生在学电子学 。
(小贴士)the number of表示“···的数量(或数目)” , 相应的谓语动词要用单数 。例如:
【我们都用英语怎么说 都用英语怎么说】The number of students at this college is decreasing.
这所大学的学生人数在减少 。
several adj.几个,数个 。
(辨析)相对于a few,some 而言较为正式,一般只能用于肯定句,强调“不止一两个”,后接复数可数名词 。
(例证)She raises several pigs.她养了好几头猪 。
After several visits to Beijing, she had learned a little Chinese.
数次访问北京后,她学会了一点汉语 。
There are several holes in the wall.墙上有几个洞 。
some adj.一些,若干 。
(辨析)带有不确定性,多用于肯定句中,后接复数可数名词或不可数名词 。
(例证)Some co-workers attended his party.
些同事参加了他的聚会 。
He has been gone for some time.他已经离开一段时间了 。
He saved some apples for his children.
他给孩子们留了些苹果 。
