健康食品用英语怎么说 饮食习惯用英语怎么说( 二 )

During the holidays is when I think of having a home-cooked meal. So maybe your favorite meal of the whole year is when you have a nice home-cooked meal for Thanksgiving with your family.
过节是我想到的吃家常菜的时刻 。所以也许你全年最喜欢的饭是与你的家人一起过感恩节时吃的家常菜 。
Or you could say, I try to have a home-cooked meal with my family at least once a week. So it can take the time to talk to each other while we're eating.
或者你可以说,我努力每周至少和我的家人一起吃一次家常菜 。这样在我们吃饭的时候可以慢慢花时间互相交谈 。
Then next we have cuisine, cuisine from different places. We can talk about Italian cuisine, Chinese cuisine, Indian cuisine.
然后我们有美食,来自不同地方的美食 。我们可以谈论意大利美食 , 中国美食,印度美食 。
There are as many examples as there are countries. This is simply food from a certain place, so food that is from India, food from China, food from Italy.
有多少国家就有多少美食的例子 。这只是来自某个地方的食物,即来自印度的食物 , 来自中国的食物 , 来自意大利的食物 。
You get the idea. You could tell your examiner, I really enjoy Chinese cuisine and try to get it as much as possible, but sometimes all the restaurants are closed and all I can get is Italian cuisine, which is fine, too.
你懂的 。你可以告诉考官,我真的很喜欢中国菜,并且有机会就尽可能多吃,但有时所有餐馆关门了 , 我只能去吃意大利菜,也很好吃 。
Then last on our list we have poultry. Poultry is simply birds birds that we eat.
然后在我们清单的最后,我们有家禽 。家禽就是我们吃的鸟类 。
You could tell your examiner, I really enjoy eating poultry. I like to eat chicken and turkey and duck.
你可以告诉考官,我真的很喜欢吃家禽 。我喜欢吃鸡肉和火鸡,还有鸭子 。
Any animal that is a bird, that you like to eat, we call poultry. Next, it's time to focus on vocabulary talking about eating habits.
任何你喜欢吃的鸟类,我们都叫做家禽 。接下来我们要专注于谈论饮食习惯的词汇 。
Your examiner might ask you, what are your eating habits like, or do you have healthy eating habits. These phrases and words will help you talk about the way that you eat.
考官可能会问你你的饮食习惯是什么样的 , 或者你是否有健康的饮食习惯 。这些短语和单词会帮助你谈论你吃饭的方式 。
So let's get started. First, we have grabbed a quick bite to eat, or have a quick snack.
我们开始吧 。首先我们有快速吃东西或快速吃零食 。
This means that you're eating just a little bit in a very quick amount of time. So you eat a small amount very quickly, very fast.
这意味着你在很短的时间内吃一点点 。所以你非常快速地吃少量东西 。
You might say to your examiner, I am a very busy person and eating isn't very important to me. So in the middle of my workday, I will grab a bite to eat before going back to work.
你可能跟考官说,我非常忙碌,吃对我来说不是很重要 。所以在工作中我会在回去工作之前快速吃点东西 。
Or if I have a second, I will have a quick snack but then go right back to work. So again, these two phrases you can use to talk about eating just a little bit very fast.
或者如果我有一点时间,我会快速吃点零食,然后马上回去工作 。所以你可以使用这两个短语谈论快速地吃一点点东西 。
Sound good. You might also tell your examiner, I love to eat like a horse.
听起来不错 。你可能还会告诉考官,我喜欢像马一样吃东西 。
Now a horse is a big animal, right? Therefore, to eat like a horse is to eat a lot you love to eat food in a big amount.
