健康食品用英语怎么说 饮食习惯用英语怎么说

雅思口语词汇- 谈论食物和饮食习惯
Hi, my name is Kara and in today's video, we are going to talk about food and meals and everything about food. So when you are asked on your IELTS speaking test what do you think about food, you will have all the answers after today's lesson.
嗨,我叫卡拉 , 在今天的视频中,我们将谈论食物和餐食,以及跟有关食物的一切 。因此当你在雅思口语考试中被问到对食物的看法时,今天的课程结束之后,你将学会所有答案 。
Let's get started. So here we have different words to describe types of meals.
我们开始吧 。所以在这里我们有不同的词来描述餐食 。
Your examiner may ask you, what do you like to eat, what types of meals do you enjoy eating. Number one, you might be able to tell them, I like to eat ready meals.
考官可能会问你喜欢吃什么,你喜欢吃什么菜 。首先 , 你也许可以告诉他们 , 我喜欢吃即食食品 。
Ready meals are fast and convenient and anyone can make them. You can usually find them at 7-11 or any grocery store, a convenience store, places where you can buy the food, take it home and all you have to do is heat it up and then you're done.
即食食品既方便又快捷 , 任何人都可以做 。你通常可以在 7-11 或任何杂货店,便利店,你可以买到这这种食物的地方 , 把它带回家,你要做的就是将其加热并然后就完成了 。
It's as easy as that. That's the great thing about ready meals.
就这么简单 。这就是即食食品的优点 。
They are very easy and convenient. So perhaps you could tell your examiner, I enjoy ready meals because I am very busy and I always can find a 7-11 to heat up my dinner and be good for the night.
它们非常简单和方便 。所以也许你可以告诉考官,我喜欢吃即食食品,因为我很忙,我总是会找一家 7-11 加热我的晚餐,然后就好了 。
Then we also have slap-up meals. These talk about big meals, very big meals that make you feel happy and satisfied.
然后我们有盛宴 。它们指的是大餐,非常丰盛的大餐,让你感到快乐和满足 。
So maybe your examiner asks you what do you like to eat after a long day. You could tell them, I enjoy having a slap-up meal after a long stressful day, because it makes me feel so happy and satisfied and forget about all the work I had to do that day.
所以也许考官会问你漫长的一天之后想要吃什么 。你可以告诉他们,经过漫长而紧张一天后 , 我喜欢吃大餐,因为这让我感到非常高兴和满足,忘记了我那天要做的所有工作 。
Next on our list, we have gourmet meals. These are really fancy, nice meals where you sit down and enjoy your time.
我们清单上的下一个是美味佳肴 。这些指的是很精美的餐食 , 你可以坐下来享受美好时光 。
They are usually much more expensive and they are fancy. So perhaps you could tell your examiner, when I work really hard, I like to treat myself to a gourmet meal of my favorite food at an expensive restaurant, because I deserve it.
它们通常更昂贵,而且很精美 。所以也许你可以告诉考官,当我工作真的很辛苦时,我喜欢去一家昂贵的餐厅用我最喜欢的美味佳肴犒劳自己,因为我值得 。
Okay. Next on our list we have home-cooked meals.
好的 。我们清单上的下一个是家常菜 。
This phrase is pretty straightforward. They are meals that are cooked at home.
这个短语很直接 。它们指的是在家煮的饭 。
Right, so when you do all the cooking yourself. Usually, people have home-cooked meals with their families.
是的,所以是你自己做所有的饭菜 。人们通常会跟家人一起吃家常菜 。
