健康食品用英语怎么说 饮食习惯用英语怎么说( 五 )

无麸质是一种在小麦 , 黑麦和其他谷物中发现的蛋白质 。因此通常来说,如果有人不吃含麸质的食物,那么他们会寻找特定种类的面包,面条,诸如此类的东西 , 以确保他们不吃麸质,因为这会让他们生病 。
So gluten-free means no gluten. And those people need to look out for breads and other grain that might have gluten inside them.
无麸质意味着没有麸质 。那些人需要注意面包和其它谷物中可能会有麸质 。
Maybe you could tell your examiner, I'll eat anything but my girlfriend is gluten free. So we try to look for gluten free restaurants.
也许你可以告诉你的考官,我什么都吃 , 但我的女友不吃含麸质的食物 。所以我们会尝试寻找替提供不含麸质食物的餐厅 。
So we can both enjoy the meal together. Next, let's focus on some words you can use to talk about good taste.
这样我们就可以一起享用美食 。接下来我们要专注于你可以用来谈论好的味道的单词 。
Your examiner can ask you what kind of food do you like to eat. So let's talk about different ways to describe food.
考官可能会问你喜欢吃哪种食物 。所以我们来谈谈描述食物的不同方式 。
First, we have tasty. I think food is tasty.
首先我们有好吃的 。我认为食物好吃 。
This just means delicious, so good to eat. For example, you could tell your examiner, I really think cooked vegetables are tasty.
它的意思是美味的 。例如,你可以告诉考官,我真的认为煮熟的蔬菜很好吃 。
That just means you think they're delicious, pretty simple. The opposite of this is tasteless or bland.
这意味着你认为它们很美味,很简单 。与此相反的是无味或寡淡的 。
That means that it doesn't have a lot of flavor and you don't think it's very good. So here I will put flavor and cross it out.
这意味着它没有很多味道,你认为它不是很好 。所以在这里我要写上味道这个词,然后把它划掉 。
You could say, I usually think cooked vegetables are tasty, but at this one restaurant, I ordered cooked vegetables and they were so bland. They had no flavor at all.
你可以说 , 我通常认为煮熟的蔬菜很好吃,但是在这家餐厅我点了煮熟的蔬菜,他们太寡淡了 。它们完全没有味道 。
They were tasteless and that made me very sad. Some people don't like strong flavors.
它们是无味的,这让我非常难过 。有些人不喜欢浓烈的味道 。
So maybe they prefer their food to be a little bland, and that's okay too. Next, we have flavorful.
所以也许他们更喜欢食物寡淡一点,这也可以 。接下来,我们有有滋味的 。
This means you like to have a lot of flavor in your food. This usually is a good thing, but for some people, it is not.
这意味着你希望食物中有很多味道 。这通常是一件好事,但对于某些人来说不是 。
So here I will put lots of flavor. This means you prefer food that is very sweet, or very salty, or very spicy,
所以我在这里写很多味道 。这意味着更喜欢很甜的,或很咸的,或很辣的食物 。
For example, I like flavorful food, because I really really like my food to be very spicy. Okay, next we have divine.
例如,我喜欢有滋味的食物,因为我真的很喜欢吃辣 。好的 , 接下来我们有神圣的 。
Divine simply means God like. It is like a God.
神圣的就意味着像神一样 。像神一样 。
You could tell your examiner, I love to go home and eat my mom's cooking, because her cooking is divine. It is so good that it is God like.
你可以告诉考官,我喜欢回家吃我妈妈做的饭菜,因为她的厨艺精湛 。厨艺太好了,就像神一样 。
