健康食品用英语怎么说 饮食习惯用英语怎么说( 三 )

马很大,对吗?因此,像马一样吃就是指你喜欢吃很多食物 。
So maybe you could say, I try to eat a little bit at a time. But sometimes I can't help but to eat like a horse and then take a long nap.
所以也许你可以说我尝试一次吃一点 。但是有时候我忍不住要暴食 , 然后小睡一会儿 。
Sound good. Okay, number three on our list, we have work up an appetite.
听起来不错 。好的,我们清单上的第三个是忙得饿了 。
This means that you work until you are very hungry. So if you like to work a lot and you may not have time to grab a bite to eat, you could maybe tell your examiner I work so hard and forget to eat.
这意味着你一直工作直到你非常饿 。所以如果你想做很多事情,你可能没有时间吃点东西,也许你可以告诉考官我工作很努力,忙饿了 。
And then at the end of the day, I've realized I really work up an appetite. I forgot to eat.
然后在一天结束时,我才意识到我真的忙饿了 。我忘了吃饭 。
So now I am very hungry. So if you forget to eat or are working so hard, you become hungry, you can tell your examiner I work up an appetite most of the time.
所以现在我很饿 。所以如果你忘记吃饭或工作很努力,你变得很饿,你可以告诉考官大部分时候我会忙得忘了吃饭 。
Next, we have eat a balanced diet. So balanced is not too much of any one thing.
下一个是饮食均衡 。均衡指的是没有吃太多任何一种食物 。
And diet talks about what you eat. This usually means that you eat healthy.
而饮食谈论的是你吃的东西 。这通常意味着你吃得很健康 。
You could tell your examiner, I try not to eat too much junk food, bad food, or fast food too frequently. I try to eat a balanced diet.
你可以告诉考官我尽量不要频繁吃太多垃圾食品,不好的食物或快餐 。我努力均衡饮食 。
So I am healthy and strong. Sounds good.
所以我很健康而且很强壮 。听起来不错 。
We also have the phrase wine and dine. So wine talking about wine that you drink, and dine talking about sitting down to eat.
我们还有一边喝酒一边吃饭这个短语 。所以酒指的是喝的葡萄酒,而用餐指的是坐下来吃饭 。
Wine and dine usually means you are going on a date with someone. So you could say, I usually just grab a bite to eat during the week, because I'm busy.
一边喝酒一边吃饭通常意味着你在和某人约会 。所以你可以说,我通常在工作日只吃一点东西,因为我很忙 。
But on Friday night, I like to wine and dine with my girlfriend or boyfriend, because it's nice to sit down and enjoy our time together. Next up here, we have scarf something down.
但是在星期五晚上,我喜欢和我的女友或男友一边喝酒一边吃饭,因为坐下来一起享受我们的时间很好 。下一个,我们有词组狼吞虎咽 。
This phrase is specifically American and it talks about eating quickly. It doesn't need to be just a little bit.
这个短语很美式,它表示的是快速吃东西 。它不一定是一点点食物 。
You can have a big meal that you scarf down, eat it as fast as you can. So maybe you could say, I was at work all day and I really worked up an appetite.
你可以狼吞虎咽下一顿大餐,尽可能快地吃下去 。所以也许你可以说 , 我整天都在工作,我真的很饿 。
I came home, got a huge pizza and I scarf the pizza down. Scarf something down.
我回家后拿了一个巨大的披萨,然后狼吞虎咽下去 。狼吞虎咽 。
You eat it so fast. Sound good.
你快速地吃 。听起来不错 。
The next one on our list is very similar to this, tuck into a meal. It is the same thing as scarfing something down, except it is British.
