健康食品用英语怎么说 饮食习惯用英语怎么说( 四 )

我们清单上的下一个跟这个很像,风卷残云 。它跟狼吞虎咽是一个意思,只不过是英式说法 。
That's the only difference. So a British English speaker might say I tucked into a meal so quickly that I was done before a minute went by.
这就是唯一的区别 。所以说英式英语的人可能会说我一分钟不到就把食物风卷残云般地吃完了 。
Whereas an American would say I scarf the pizza down so quickly it was gone before I blinked. Sound good.
而美国人会说我一眨眼就把披萨狼吞虎咽地吃完了 。听起来不错 。
Cool. Next, have a sweet tooth.
很酷 。接下来是喜欢吃甜食 。
You can tell your examiner, I really have a sweet tooth. So I like to eat sweet food, food with a lot of sugar.
你可以告诉考官,我真的很爱吃甜食 。所以我喜欢吃含糖量高的甜食 。
Think of candy. If you really like to eat candy, you might have a sweet tooth.
想想糖果 。如果你真的很喜欢吃糖果,你可能会爱吃甜食 。
So you could say, well, I try to have a balanced diet, but I really have a sweet tooth. So I love to eat candy when I can.
所以你可以说 , 很好 , 我努力饮食均衡,但我真的很爱吃甜食 。所以我有机会就吃糖 。
Sound good. Next, we have fussy eater.
听起来不错 。下面我们有挑食者 。
You could tell your examiner I try not to be a fussy eater, but that's just who I am. You usually see fussy eaters in children, little kids.
你可以告诉考官,我尽量不挑食 , 但我就是这样 。挑食者一般出现在孩子或儿童中 。
Usually, sometimes adults are also fussy eaters. This means that you only like specific food.
通常有时候成年人也会挑食 。这意味着你只喜欢特定的食物 。
So maybe if you go to a restaurant, you'll look at the menu and say I won't eat this, I won't eat this, I won't eat this, I don't like it. You only like certain foods.
所以如果你去一家餐馆,你看菜单 , 说我不吃这个,我不吃这个,我不吃这个,我不喜欢它 。你只喜欢某些食物 。
So it can be very difficult to go out and eat if you are a very fussy eater. But again, this is usually seen in children.
如果你挑食,那么跟你出去吃饭会很难 。但是这通常只出现在儿童中 。
So perhaps you could say, I used to be a fussy eater when I was a little kid, but now I'll eat pretty much anything. Sound good.
所以也许你可以说 , 我小时候很挑食,但现在我几乎什么都吃 。听起来不错 。
Okay, next, let's talk about vegetarian. Vegetarian means that you don't eat meat.
好的 , 接下来我们来说说素食者 。素食意味着你不吃肉 。
No meat. You won't eat cow, or pig, or chicken, or fish, none of that.
不吃肉 。你不吃牛,或猪,或鸡肉,或鱼,一点都不吃 。
You can see here veggie looks like vegetables, because that's what you prefer to eat. There are a lot of reasons someone might be a vegetarian.
你可以看到这里的 veggie 看起来像蔬菜这个词,因为这就是你喜欢吃的 。人们成为素食主义者的原因有很多 。
And you could perhaps tell your examiner, I am a vegetarian, so I like to look for vegetarian restaurants and I don't like to be around people who eat meat, okay. Last on our list we have gluten-free.
你也许可以告诉你的考官 , 我是一个素食主义者,所以我喜欢寻找素食餐厅,而且我不喜欢周围有吃肉的人 。我们清单上的最后一个词是无麸质饮食 。
Gluten is a protein found in wheat and rye and other grains. So usually, if someone is gluten-free, they will look for specific types of bread, noodles, things like that to make sure they don't eat gluten, because it makes them sick.
