答案英语怎么说 问题的答案英语怎么说

答案 英语 怎么说:答案,对有关问题所作的解答的结果;对提出的问题所做的解答,练习的答案 。那你知道答案英语怎么说吗?下面江门美联小编告诉你答案英语怎么说,大家一起来看看吧!

答案英语怎么说 问题的答案英语怎么说

那只有一个答案 。
There is only one answer to that.
我把我的答案和老师的对照一下,发现我有个地方错了 。
I compared my answers with the teacher's and found I had made a mistake.
啊哈,我的问题到这儿终于有了答案 。
Aha! Here at last, the answer to my question.
他一下子就有了答案 。
The answer had come to him in a flash
对于为什么应该是这样,还没有人想出终确定的答案 。
No one has come up with a definitive answer as to why this should be so
我没有想出解决这个困境的现成答案 。
I didn't have a ready answer for this dilemma
她不能给他一个诚实的答案 。
She could not give him a truthful answer.
他又问了几个问题,得到的答案都不令人满意 。
He asked a few more questions, to which he received unsatisfactory answers.
为了寻求答案,他以种不同方式提出了这个问题 。
He framed this question three different ways in search of an answer.
说实在的,永远没有一个正确答案 。
【答案英语怎么说 问题的答案英语怎么说】 Realistically, there is never one right answer.
新的方法提供了一个答案,并且可能让人们对一个更大的问题有进一步的了解 。
A new approach offers an answer, and may shed light on an even bigger question.
将这些数字进行各种可能的排列组合后,我们终于找到了答案 。
After running through the numbers in every possible combination, we finally hit on a solution.
然后我突然想到了答案,原来它一直就明摆在我的面前 。
Then the answer hit me. It had been staring me in the face.
根据家庭的不同,我往往会给出不同的答案 。
I tend to have a different answer, depending on the family
噢,我们可以猜一猜答案 。
Well, we can hazard a guess at the answer.
国家遗产委员会进行了公开调查以寻找答案 。
The National Heritage Committee has conducted a public inquiry to find the answer
他已事先写好了答案 。
He had prepared 锝擄絻锝掞綁锝愶綌ed answers.
事实证据和法庭证据使得自杀成为解开他死因之谜的令人信服的答案 。
Factual and forensic evidence makes a suicide verdict the most compelling answer to the mystery of his death
如果答案是肯定的,那么我们必须商定合适的行动方案 。
If the answer is 'yes', then we must decide on an appropriate course of action
答案很简单 。
The answer is simple
在第页末尾可以找到答案 。
Answers can be found at the bottom of page .
想必计算机能就其给出一个清楚的答案 。
I dare say that the computer would provide a clear answer to that
你们要不断地琢磨这个问题直到有人得出正确答案为止 。
You chip away at the problem until somebody comes up with the right answer
这些问题有很多根本就没有答案 。
So many of these questions simply don't have answers
科学家们觉得很难给出一个明确的答案 。
Scientists feel uneasy about giving a positive answer.
I knew Ben was lying when he answered me
