高级英语怎么说 形容词最高级英语怎么说( 三 )

如果没有指定的话,将自动生成一个罕有的ID并分配给高级管理器 。
This drive's top-level folder is damaged.
这个驱动器上层的文件夹已经损坏 。
The top-level Quantify window comes up as your application runs.
在您的应用程序运行时,高层的Quantify窗口出现了 。
Important content on top-level directory.
重要内容放在高级目录 。
Both of these files are contained in the top-level META-INF directory in the EAR file that accompanies this article.
这些文件都包含在本文附带的EAR文件中的顶层META-INF目录中 。
Each top-level assertion should be described in a separate [ Syntax] section.
每个高级断言都应该在一个单独的[Syntax]部分中描述 。
You access the core using dojo as the top-level wrapper, while the widgets are found under dijit.
尽管小部件位于dijit之下,但您可以使用Dojo作为顶层包装器访问核心组件 。
Help: for top-level menu items, specifies that the menu item will be right-justified.
help:对于高级菜单项,指定菜单项将右对齐 。
For this application, a top-level requirement is the ability to enter and save waypoint information.
对于这个应用程序,一项顶层需求是能够输入和保存路标点信息 。
A project area is stored as a top-level item in a repository.
【高级英语怎么说 形容词最高级英语怎么说】 项目区域在存储库中存储为高级项 。
