如何跳滑步舞教程 如何跳滑步舞( 八 )

就像是还不会和面就担心怎样去烙饼一样 。
What your aiming for is to he a running man that looks CO-ORDINATED and CONTROLLED. Arms are very
important in achieving this so once you he your running man down (and the basic shuffle) you should work on your arm movements before you progress further.
running man一定要做到“原地不动”和“受控制的” 。要达到这样的效果手臂的动作是不可或缺的十分重要的,熟练的掌握了running man(还有shuffle的基本动作)之后,
应该着重手臂的动作的练习,继而再做下一步的进展练习 。
Here are some main things to look for:
1. Do both steps of the running man look like mirror images of each other?
This is the most important thing.
Both steps should trel the same distance coming forward and backward.
The angle that you raise your back foot should be the same as the angle that you lower it to the front
In both steps, the knees should come up the same height.
这是重要的一点 。
两步中向前和向后应该移动相同的距离 。脚在后面时与地的夹角应该等于这个脚放在前面时与地面所成的角度
在两个步骤中,膝盖的应提到相同的高度 。
2. Are your feet spaced properly?
You can mix this up as your progress but a good starting point is a little wider than shoulder width
and about the same distance forward and backwards. This is important for things such as dancing with
a partner and dancing in a packed crowd.
2 。双脚之间的距离正确吗?
距人体中心线等距(就是前后距离相等,人体中心线为一假想线) 。这对于和同伴一起跳或是在人群中跳是
很重要的,可以使自己不占据过大的空间或是避免被阻挡 。
3. Are you lifting your knees the right height?
If you find yourself leaning forward and backwards like a chicken pecking at the ground your going too
high. You can mix this up once you get better but at the start try only lifting your foot 10-15cm off
the ground. This will make it easy for you to learn control because flying around the room with your
legs going a million miles an hour looks stupid.
3 。膝盖是否抬到了正确的高度?
如果你发现你的身体前倾和后仰像小孩在广场上窜跶一样(小时候应该都窜跶过,呵呵),那么你的膝盖抬的太高了 。当你跳的很棒的时候这样也许是为了更有动感的效果(抽搐帝啊~),但是刚刚开始的时候脚抬起距地面10-15cm就够了 。
这样可以使你更容易学习控制,还有像小孩在屋子里飞速的窜跶来窜跶去看上去是比较脑残的 。
4. Are you flicking your heels?
Make sure your feet are flat the whole time. You can mix this up once you get the basics down but
start by keeping your soles PERFECTLY parallel to the ground. Make sure your not lifting your heels
as you raise your back foot. This will also help with your balance.
4 。是否闪动了你的脚踝?
要确保在整个过程中脚是平的 。熟练的掌握了基础后可以随性发挥,开始的时候要让脚底的平行于
地面 。当提起后面的脚的时候要保证不要动脚踝(通过弯膝盖来抬脚) 。这样做也是益于身体的平衡 。
4. Are you flicking your heels?
Make sure your feet are flat the whole time. You can mix this up once you get the basics down but
start by keeping your soles PERFECTLY parallel to the ground. Make sure your not lifting your heels
