a和an的用法顺口溜 aanthe的用法及区别

在需要的地方用冠词a, an, the填空,不需要则填入/:
1. —-Do you have______pencil?
—–No, but I have______pen.
2. —-Woul you like _____ pear?
—–No, _____apple, please.
3. Yesterday I met a beggar(乞丐), ______beggar asked me for _____money.
4. I didn’t know about it at first, but _____neighbour told me later.
5. _______computer is one of the greatest inventions ever.
6. ______earth goes around _____sun.
7. —-What do you often do after work?
—–I often go to _____cinema.
8. I go to_____ bed before nine every night.
9. I usually have_____rest when I get home.
10. We eat mooncakes and enjoy _____moon at night on the Mid-autumn Day.
11. Do you think_______piano is a percussion instrument(打击乐器)?
12._____Chines food is very delicious, I don’t like_____western food.
13.We are trying to protect______wild animals.
14._____young should be polite to ______old.
15.He is_______engineer.
16.My family often go for____walk in the park.
17.He is _____tallest student in his class.
18.The head teacher is always ____first one to arrive at school.
19.Chang Jiang is _____longest river in China.
20._____people usually like pets.
21.Everyone must go to_____school before 14 in China.

a和an的用法顺口溜 aanthe的用法及区别

1. —-Do you have__a____pencil?
—–No, but I have__a____pen.
2. —-Woul you like __a___ pear?
—–No, __an___apple, please.
3. Yesterday I met a beggar(乞丐), __the____beggar asked me for __/___money.
4. I didn’t know about it at first, but __a___neighbour told me later.
5. ___The____computer is one of the greatest inventions ever.
6. __The____earth goes around __the___sun.
7. —-What do you often do after work?
—–I often go to __the___cinema.
8. I go to__/___ bed before nine every night.
9. I usually have__a___rest when I get home.
10. We eat mooncakes and enjoy __the___moon at night on the Mid-autumn Day.
11. Do you think___the____piano is a percussion instrument(打击乐器)?
12.__/___Chines food is very delicious, I don’t like__/___western food.
13.We are trying to protect___/___wild animals.
14.__The__young should be polite to __the____old.
15.He is__an___engineer.
16.My family often go for__a__walk in the park.
17.He is __the___tallest student in his class.
18.The head teacher is always __the__first one to arrive at school.
19.Chang Jiang is __the___longest river in China.
20.__/___people usually like pets.
21.Everyone must go to___/__school before 14 in China.
I. 不定冠词a/an的用法(读音中辅音开头的单词前用a , 元音开头的单词前用an):
第一 表示不具体所指单数的人或物,如:1, 2, 4.
第二 表示类别,如:15.
第三 固定搭配(习惯用语)如:9, 16
II. 定冠词the的用法:
第一 表双方都明白所指的事物 , 即表特指 。如:3, 5, 10.the sun, the moon…不仅双方明白所指,所有人都明白所指 。
第二 用在发明,乐器 , 文化机构等等名词前,此时并不表特特指 。如:7, 11
第三 用在充数词前,如:18
第四 用在最高级前:17, 19
第五 用在形容词前表某一类人或物,如:14
III. 不用冠词:
第一 不表特指的不可数名词前 。如:12.
第二 不表特指的复数名词前 。如:20
【a和an的用法顺口溜 aanthe的用法及区别】第二 固定短语 。如:21
