中国地产|案例赏析 | 现代法式+轻奢,精致的典雅!( 二 )

The background wall of the reception hall is contrasted with the downstairs living room. The designer grasps the beauty of proportion and skillfully uses aesthetic techniques such as symmetry repetition and gradual change to show the artistic taste and cultural appeal of the space.

Leisure Area Design
休闲区打造了三个独立的空间 , 分别设计了钢琴区、健身区、以及儿童游玩区 , 不仅要求设计师卓越的设计能力 , 更体现了设计师对细节的把握 。
The leisure area creates three independent spaces including Piano area fitness area and children's play area which not only requires the designer's excellent design ability but also reflects the designer's grasp of details.

健身区有一面大镜子 , 仿佛置身舞蹈教室 , 孩子可以在这里练舞 , 爸爸妈妈也可以在旁边跑步或练瑜伽 , 一家人在一起 , 就算汗味四溢也是幸福的味道 。
There is a big mirror in the fitness area as if you were in a dance classroom. Children can practice dancing here. Parents can also run or practice yoga next to them. If a family is together even if the smell of sweat is overflowing it is also a taste of happiness.

儿童游玩区自然简单 , 原木+渐变紫墙面 , 搭配悬挂的雪花片犹如打造了一个冰雪世界 。
The children's play area is natural and simple. The log + gradient purple wall combined with the hanging snowflakes seems to create an ice and snow world.
Bedroom Design
卧室静谧沉稳 , 以爵士色为基调 , 与雾蓝色搭配 , 色彩变化与材质转换缓慢而自然的过渡 , 增强视觉感染力 , 空旷的的空间变得更饱满 。
The bedroom is quiet and calm with jazz as the tone matched with fog blue with slow and natural transition between color change and material conversion so as to enhance the visual appeal and make the open space fuller.

Bathroom Design
卫生间的设计是相当的奢华与时尚 , 地面选用了灰色大理石瓷砖 , 搭配墙面爵士白大理石 。 洗漱区采用双面盆设计 , 合理安排空间 , 实用性达到极致 , 淋浴区与洗漱区干湿分离 , 浴缸靠近窗边 , 沐浴也可以一览窗外的风景 。
The bedroom is based on the use of material factors adding invisible light strips or bedside lamps as lighting and decorations magazines and green plants are arranged on the bedside table to make the details of the soft decoration full.

Children's Room Design
马卡龙色系的女儿房 , 充满了甜美温柔风 , 搭配舒适的床品及动物摆件 , 增添了童趣 。
The daughter's room of makaron color system is full of sweet and gentle wind with comfortable bedding and animal ornaments adding children's interest.

男孩房相比之下更清新简约 , 线条的美感在顶面及衣柜用得淋漓尽致 , 整体空间清爽而自然 。
In contrast the boys' room is more fresh and simple the beauty of lines is incisively and vividly used on the top and wardrobe and the overall space is fresh and natural.

Toilet Design
简约清新的卫生间 , 圆弧造型+圆形镜子内嵌灯光 , 形成高贵时尚的空间氛围 , 高级感、整洁感和层次感并存 。
Simple and fresh toilet arc shape + circular mirror embedded light forming a noble and fashionable space atmosphere with the coexistence of high-level feeling cleanliness and hierarchy.

【中国地产|案例赏析 | 现代法式+轻奢,精致的典雅!】
