Understanding Prashantji 解读普尚吉第六十六期( 三 )

尤其是,它们还将促进、它们还将合作,随着你的右手和左手在帮你转动,呼吸也会扮演一个角色,呼气性的,吸气性的,只要它是(为你)“私人订制的”、(为你)设计的;所以头脑将参与进来,与你的身体连接 。所以,那才是生物力学的原理,无论你在身体里做了什么,要明白,你的呼吸都是与之相关的;要明白,头脑也是与之相关的;呼吸是与之相连接的,头脑是与之相连接的;因此,让它成为一个集体行为,而非仅仅是身体行为,那是发生在姿势的情况里 。

Now doing and staying I told you, the next principle is maintaining. Now understand what’s the difference between staying and maintaining; try to understand what the word means, you know the meaning of the word literally, but what it means here, that you have been suggested you must stay and you must maintain. What are the nuances implications of maintaining as against staying. See how you will be carrying out for your smaller activities by body-set, breath-set, mind-set addressals; then you have your awareness, sensitivity for your subjective diagnostic: ‘I am having negative resistance here, I have freedom here, I have lack of freedom here, but there is kind of, some kind of stiffness, here and there’.
现在,我讲过,“做”和“待”,下一个原理就是“维持住” 。现在要理解“待”和“维持住”之间的区别,尝试去理解这个词的意思,你知道这个词的字面意思,但是当你被建议必须要待在体式里、还要维持住这个体式,它在此是什么意思?相对于“待”,“维持住”的细微含义是什么 。要明白,你是如何为了你那些更为细小的身体方面、呼吸方面、头脑方面的调整而进行活动的;然后你就有了觉知、感受,去做出主观层面的诊断:“我这里有消极的对抗,这里有自由,这里我缺少自由,但是这是一种,某种僵紧,这里或那里” 。

So different people will have different stiffness in different places, some body having in the waist, somebody having in the back, somebody having in the middle trunk, so you will have stiffnesses in different places; so you will have this awareness, and sensitivity will give you diagnostic-head, you will get to know,’ this is my given condition today. I need to attend to this. If it is a negative condition, I need to mitigate it. I have to set it right; I have to set it aside’.
因此,不同的人会在不同的地方产生不同的僵紧,有些人在腰部,有些人在背部,有些人在躯干中段,所以你会在不同的地方有僵紧;所以你就会有份觉知,感知力会给你出一份主要的诊断,你就会知道:“这是我今天的状态,我需要去关注它 。如果它是一个消极的状态,我就需要减少它,我必须矫正它;我必须祛除它” 。

So have your subjective diagnostics. So when I refer to diagnostics, these are not medical diagnostics, you have kidney problem, you have liver problem, you have stomach problem, that methodology will tell you. But here in given conditions, and therefore you will be going more pragmatically. I am stiff here, therefore I do like this; somebody is stiff in another part, the person will do the other way; both are right. So she is stiff here, she does something; she is right. Somebody is stiff in shoulder, dorsal region, does something, that is also right. I cannot standardize that if you do this way, it is right. let go.
因此,要有你自己的诊断 。所以当我说到“诊断”,这些不是医疗上的那些诊断:你有肾的问题,你有肝脏问题,你有胃部问题,那些(诊断)方法自会告诉你 。但是在这里,在现状中,你要更务实一些 。我这里僵紧,因此我这样做;有些人是另一个地方僵紧,这个人就会用另一种方式去做;这二者都对 。所以她这里僵紧,她就做某些调整,她是对的 。有人在肩膀、在胸椎区域僵紧,就在那里做了些什么,那也是对的 。我无法标准化地去判断,如果你这样做,它才是对的 。解开 。
