Understanding Prashantji 解读普尚吉第六十六期( 二 )

So, initially you will … the …. because I said try to activate the body as far as possible, activate the breath as far as possible, activate the mind as far as possible, so that’s the principle, it will take some time for you to seep in, and then it becomes your nature. You don’t have to do it, it will happen; it will become a reflection when you have imbibe the principles, inculcate the principles, you don’t have to be doing all that. So it will happen like as a reflection action. Bharadvājāsana II.
因此,最初你会(去激活),因为我说过,尝试尽可能地去激活身体,尽可能地激活呼吸,尽可能地激活头脑,那才是基本原理,那会需要些时间让你渗透进去,然后那会变成你的本性 。你不必去做它,它会发生的;当你吸收这些原理时、当你反复灌输这些原理时,它会变成一种条件反射,你不必一直去做它,因此它会像条件反射那样自然发生 。Bharadvājāsana II(巴拉德瓦伽式二)

So, another scope to activate your body, mind, breath; left leg to Vīrāsana, right leg to Padmāsana, take the hand back, try to reach the toe. If you don’t reach the toe, you can have an extension, belt etc., and smaller loop of it, so that you need to go closer to your toe, sooner or later, if you are not able to grip/reach your foot, sooner or later you must reach that, so initially you can go for belt, it’s not just reaching, it’s not just reaching, then you have to use it, you have to apply it, so there must be interaction and dialogue between your right hand and your Padmāsana toe.
因此,(那是)另一个领域去激活你的身体、头脑、呼吸,左腿Vīrāsana(英雄坐),右腿Padmāsana(莲花式),右手向后,尝试去抓脚趾,如果你够不到脚趾,你可以用一个伸展带或其他东西去延长,做一个尽量小的圈儿,你需要尽可能接近你的脚趾,你迟早会抓到,如果你够不到你的脚,迟早你要去抓到、够到,所以一开始你可以用伸展带,不是够到就完事了,你还需要去使用它,你要去运用它,你的右手和你的莲花式脚趾之间必须有互动和对话 。

It’s not just touching, it’s not just touch and go, ‘Oh, I have touched my toe!’ You have to grip the toe, you have to grab the toe, you have to pull the toe. Now, find out how different actions you can carry out in your shoulder segment, arm segment, armpit segment, clavicle, chest, sternum, shoulder blade, abdominal wall, pelvic wall, okay. So you have to develop this habit of going through the principles of āsana, activate body, mind, and breath, exhalative activity, inhalative activity. You try to intensify the body, postural aspect. Why don’t you intensify your breath? Let me exhale more; let me inhale more; let me exhale at the internal conative organ; let me exhale and inhale at the conative organ; let me have retention at the conative organ. They will do far better job than your hands working for your twistings.
不是仅仅碰到就行了,不是碰上就松开“哦,我(终于)碰到我的脚趾了!”你必须去握紧脚趾,你必须去抓住脚趾,你必须去拉动脚趾 。现在,去探寻,在你的肩膀区域、手臂区域、腋窝、锁骨、胸腔、胸骨、肩胛骨、腹内壁、骨盆内壁,你如何能做出不同的行为 。因此,你需要开发出这样一个习惯,即通过体式的原理去经历体式的过程:激活身体、头脑、和呼吸,呼气的行为,吸气的行为 。你在尝试去强化身体,姿势的方面,那为什么不去强化你的呼吸?让我呼气更多;让我吸气更多;让我在内在的行动器官上呼得更多;让我在行动器官上呼得更多、吸得更多;让我在行动器官上进行屏息 。比起你用双手所做的扭转,它们会转得更好 。

And particularly they will be facilitating, they co-opt, so along with your right hand and left hand for your rotation, the breath will play a role, exhalative, inhalative, provided it is customized, and devised. So also the mind will participate, in conjunction with your body, so that’s the principle in biomechanics, whatever you do in your body, see that your breath is related to it; see the mind is related to it; see the breath is connected to it; see the mind is connected to it. So, let it be a collective act, rather than merely physical act which is the case of posture.
