Understanding Prashantji 解读普尚吉第六十六期( 四 )

So, what are the implications of staying and maintaining? You know that the meaning the words change, but you do not understand the implications and nuances. Now you are all doing my class back home; you are all back home, and you are doing/taking my class; usually this is not allowed, when you begin to do my class, you come to India, you come to Pune; and you do my classes. Now when you come to Pune for 2 weeks or 3 weeks or 4 weeks or 6 weeks, you don’t have facility to maintain yourself as you maintain yourself back home now; you are all in homely conditions.
因此,“待”和“维持住”的含义是什么,你知道词义变了,但是你不理解含义和细微的差别 。现在,你们都是在家里上我的课,你们都在自己家里,你们都在我的课上;通常这种情形是不被允许的,当你开始来上我的课,你们都会来印度,你们来普纳,你们来上我的课 。现在,当你来普纳2个星期或者3个星期或者4个星期6个星期,你不会像此时你在家里一样那么方便地维持着自己的一切;你们都处于居家的舒适当中 。

So you are all maintaining, quite spontaneously, quite naturally, you don’t have to do anything to be maintaining yourself, because you are back home; but if you come to Pune and learn from me, you are in a hotel, you stay in a hotel, or you are staying in somebody else, paying guest. So you can’t be maintaining, you don’t come here to maintain for 2 weeks or 3 weeks or 6 weeks, you just come and stay in India. So you are deprived of so many things which are available back home, is that right? So you don’t come and maintain yourself for those 1 or 2 months; you come and stay here; but if you have to maintain yourself, suppose I… you come to India, and I impound your passport, then what you will say?
因此你们都在“维持着”(一种状态),而且还蛮自发、蛮自然,你不必做任何事情去维持住你的状态,因为你已经在自己家里了;但是如果你来普纳、向我学习,你住在一个酒店里,你待在酒店里,或者你待在某人的民宿里 。所以你就无法维持那份舒适,你不是到此来长住2周或3周或6周的,你只是来了,并且只是待在印度 。所以你也就被剥夺了家里那许许多多的方便、舒适,对吧?所以你不是来长住1或2个月的,你来并且只是待在这里;假如你就是来长住的,假设我没收了你的护照,那么你又会怎么说呢?

You will back home, you will write to people that, communicate, please send me some thousands of dollars, send me these things and those things; now I cannot leave this country for one year; then you have to maintain for 6 months or for 2, 1 or 2 months or weeks, you don’t have to look for maintenances, am I maintaining?How do you maintain back home, and how do you maintain here yourself in a hotel for 2, 3 days or 10 days. You don’t really maintain yourself there, you know it’s a short stay.
你会回去,你会写信给别人,去进行诉说,请给我寄几千美元,邮寄些这个、邮寄些那个给我;现在,我一年内都无法离开这个国家;那么你就必须要长住6个月,1到2个月,你不用去找各种生活所需以长驻下来,我要长住吗?你回家后是怎么住的?来这里的酒店住个2到3天或者10天,又是怎么个“住”法儿?你不是真的长住在那里,你很清楚那只是短暂的逗留 。

So, try to understand what is maintenance, what is implied by maintenance. You must have homely condition in what you are doing; but if the teacher is all the time imposing, do you have homely condition? Change the side.
所以,尝试去理解什么是“长住”,“长住”暗含了什么?你必须在你正在做的过程中拥有居家的长住感;但是如果老师一直在“指挥”,你还会有居家的状态吗?换另一侧 。

