简约风的空间基础 , 呈现一种精致大气感 。 在细节软装上加入金属元素 , 为整个设计带来奢适感 。
Metal elements are added to the detail soft fitting to bring luxury and comfort to the whole design.
整个空间以白色为主 , 赋予空间简约的基调 , 灰色大理石地面提升了空间的整体感;
The whole space is mainly white giving the space a simple tone and the gray marble floor improves the overall sense of the space;
大理石电视墙面柜体 , 电视嵌入柜 , 底部做展示台面 , 可放一些日常小物件 。
Marble TV wall cabinet TV embedded cabinet and display table at the bottom which can put some daily small objects.
沙发背景墙做开放式书架 , 既能收纳也能起到装饰的作用 。 金属艺术人像灯具和抽象画的运用 , 给空间渲染了艺术氛围 。
The use of metal art portrait lamps and abstract paintings renders the artistic atmosphere to the space.
【楼市|年轻人都喜欢的现代轻奢,太好看了!】餐厨为一体 , 整个空间布局开阔 , 线条利落;大理石桌面餐桌与岛台相结合 , 既美观又实用 。
The dining kitchen is integrated and the whole space layout is open and neat; The combination of marble table and island table is both beautiful and practical.
棕色酒柜和白色橱柜颜色分明 , 内嵌金属的酒柜 , 搭配玻璃门 , 给人呈一种轻质生活的态度与情调 。
The wine cabinet with embedded metal and glass door give people a light life attitude and mood.
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