the|研究:早餐吃饱、晚餐吃少有助减肥( 二 )

Both obesity and high blood sugar can lead to a host of life-threatening illnesses including cancer, cardiovascular disease and diabetes.
肥胖和高血糖都会导致许多危及生命的疾病 , 包括癌症、心血管疾病和糖尿病 。
Previous research has shown DIT is lower in people with obesity. It's seen as a measure of how well our metabolism is working.
此前研究表明 , 在肥胖人群中 , 食物诱导产热更低 。 食物诱导产热可以衡量人体的新陈代谢 。
DIT can differ depending on mealtime and is generally slower in the evening and at night due to our body clocks.
食物诱导产热的能力因进餐时间而异 , 受人体生物钟影响 , 一般来说 , 食物诱导产热速度在晚上会更慢 。
Dr Richter said: 'We recommend that patients with obesity as well as healthy people eat a large breakfast rather than a large dinner to reduce body weight and prevent metabolic diseases.'
里克特博士说:“我们建议肥胖症患者和健康人吃一顿丰盛的早餐 , 而不是一顿丰盛的晚餐 , 这样可以减轻体重 , 预防代谢疾病 。 ”
A 2017 study of over 50,000 adults, which found eating a big breakfast, medium lunch and small dinner led to lower BMIs (body mass indexes).
2017年一项针对5万多名成年人的研究发现 , 早餐吃得多、午餐吃适量、晚餐吃得少会降低身体质量指数(BMI) 。
The US and Czech nutritionists tracked the participants for seven years and discovered eating the largest meal in the morning was among the most effective strategies for preventing long-term weight gain.
美国和捷克的营养学家对参与者进行了7年的跟踪调查 , 发现早上吃最饱是预防长期体重增加最有效的方法之一 。
Professor Daniela Jakubowicz, author of The Big Breakfast Diet, found that those who piled on the calories in the morning were more likely to feel satisfied, preventing snacking throughout the day.
And another study by Professor Jakubowicz found that eating chocolate in the morning, when our metabolism is at its highest, prevented cravings for sweet things later on.
亚库伯维兹教授开展的另一项研究发现 , 在早上新陈代谢最旺盛的时候吃巧克力 , 可以防止之后想吃甜食 。
